Here's a d20 table of mostly negative modifiers you can apply to magic wands to make them a little more interesting. Some of these effects are more suited to blasty wands, but most can apply to wands of any type.
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1. Overcharged. When used, it fires off all its charges until empty. Strength check to keep control of it, otherwise it wrestles from your grip and bounces around shooting wildly. An overcharged wand will usually have an “aura” based on its effect; a wand of fireballs causes the air to shimmer around it, a wand of cold sheds icy mist, etc.
2. Extra-Strength. Can only hold one charge at a time. When you cast its spell, it deals maximum damage, but you must save vs. wands or be blown backwards, knocked prone, and deafened for 1d6 rounds.
3. Two-sided. The spell shoots out of both ends.
4. Crooked. No matter how you try to aim it, the wand’s target is always random.
5. Forceful. Each time you fire off a spell, make a Strength check. If you fail, the kickback knocks the wand out of your hand.
6. Dim. After expending a charge, you can’t use the wand again unless you spend 1 round shaking it.
7. Explosive. The wand emits a low electrical hum and is laced with cracks leaking magical light. When you attempt to use the wand, it explodes.
8. Fragile. 1-in-6 chance every use to break into a million little pieces.
9. Hungry. The wand has no charges of its own. The only way to charge it is to have a magic-user feed their own magical energy into the wand (1 spell slot = 1 charge).
10. Blinding. When used, the wand’s tip releases a flash of light. Everyone nearby must save vs. wands or be blinded for 1d6 rounds.
11. Leaking. Leaves the air feeling greasy and tingly around it. The wand loses 1 charge per hour.
12. Fickle. Only works...(d6): 1. in direct sunlight 2. at night 3. underground 4. underwater 5. when no-one is looking 6. when it’s quiet.
13. Interference. Spells cast within 15’ of the wand have a 1-in-6 chance to fizzle.
14. Double. The wand is split into two prongs. When used, each tip fires its spell (you can choose two different targets), but each spell is only half as effective.
15. Flammable. Warm to the touch. 1-in-6 chance each use to burst into flames.
16. Sluggish. Takes 1d4 rounds to activate when you attempt to use it.
17. Sentient. The wand has a personality. It is...(d4):
1. Pacifistic. It won't work if you intend to directly harm someone.
2. Sadistic. It will only work when used to cause direct harm.
3. Heroic. It will only use its powers to do good and smite evil. Its judgment is that of a lawful stupid paladin.
4. Defeatist. It only works if it's on the winning side of a conflict.
18. Vampiric. The wand has unlimited charges, but each time you use it, you take 1 HD of damage as it siphons your life-force for fuel.
19. Sickening. The wand’s magic makes your head swim and your stomach turn. Every time you use it, make a save vs. wands or spend 1 round vomiting.
20. “Fixed”. The two once-broken halves of this wand have been reattached with string or glue. It only works half the time.
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